The need to define what a startup is ?

This morning, I was driving my car while listening the radio and something bothered me. Journalists exprime their will to have a concrete startup definition.
So, yes, of course their is a real need to stop the bullshit about what a startup is but definitions exist ! I mean, today, we exactly know and understand what a startup is.

First of all, a startup is a company. Not complicated. A company. It’s not just a place where people eat vegetables while playing babyfoot with a start wars t-shirt. Even if this tendance exists, startups are companies, registered with a legal status (most of time a SAS in France). The “startup” status does not exists.
What differentiate startups from traditional companies is their functioning. In fact, startups are companies designed to find a repeatable business model to get an exponential growth. Generally, they face to technical challenges and engage a lot of time with R&D and so need money they don’t have. This is why they ask people money, the famous fund raising.

You want to explain you grand mother what a startup is ? Use that:
Grandma, startups are companies with innovation at their core. They face to risk because they suffer from a lack of ressource to developp innovations and do not have a valide business model (basically they start with no idea about the product they will sell and to whom 😆). But when they have found (approx in 3 years), they are designed to grow rapidly.

Last words, when you’ll hear a friend or a cousin explaining he has founded a startup because he is freelance to propose consulting services then, please, slap him for me.






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